Rethinking questions and chasing patterns led Newton to find the connection between curves and infinite sums.
— Quanta Magazine, August 31, 2022
How Infinite Series Reveal the Unity of Mathematics→
/Infinite sums are among the most underrated yet powerful concepts in mathematics, capable of linking concepts across math’s vast web.
— Quanta Magazine, January 24, 2022
Who's Afraid of Big Numbers?→
/Pretty much everyone. But it doesn’t have to be that way, two mathematicians contend.
-The New York Times, June 17, 2021
From a Swinging Chandelier to Global Positioning Systems (PDF)→
/Calculus has unraveled mysteries that puzzled scientists for centuries, and it has led to technologies they never would have imagined.
— American Scientist, March-April, 2021
John Bardeen: The Greatest Physicist You (Probably) Never Heard Of→
/He might have won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1956 and 1972, but the man who invented the transistor and solved superconductivity is far from a household name.
- BBC Science Focus, September 18, 2019
That Vexing Math Equation? Here’s an Addition→
/The confusion (likely intentional) boiled down to a discrepancy between the math rules used in grade school and in high school.
-The New York Times, August 5, 2019
The Math Equation That Tried to Stump the Internet→
/Sometimes BODMAS is just PEMDAS by another name. And no, the answer is not 100.
- The New York Times, August 2, 2019
How Calculus Was the Unsung Hero in the Fight against HIV→
/The story of a differential equation and a medical breakthrough.
- Scientific American, April 1, 2019
Pi Day: How One Irrational Number Made Us Modern→
/The famous mathematical ratio, estimated to more than 22 trillion digits (and counting), is the perfect symbol for our species’ long effort to tame infinity.
- The New York Times, March 14, 2019
Einstein's boyhood proof of the Pythagorean theorem foreshadows the scientist he later became.
- The New Yorker
November 19, 2015