Math Goggles
John Hodgman advised protecting ourselves from the rays at the 2013 IBM Connect closing session.
How I did not get into
the Daily Show for my 50th birthday, even with a VIP reservation...
That's me! Craning my neck to show you that I am there on time. Awaiting my VIP ticket. My wife's surprise for my big 5-0. But it seems I was not a VIP after all. Only at the Annual Math Meeting. Even there...not so much.
At the Istanbul Spice Market
Looks like these vendors already know the solution to the Kepler Problem for sphere packing.
On Air at Radiolab
Jad, Leah, Jo and Robert -- what a team!
Improv with ASSSSCAT 3000
The brilliant improvisational comedians at the Upright Citizens Brigade asked me to be a guest monologist. Who would have thought they could get such laughs from Fermat's Last Theorem? (Front row: Brandon Scott Jones, Lauren Lapkus, Abra Tabak, and Dan Black. Back row: Shannon O'Neill, Gavin Speiller, Michael Kayne, Neil Casey.)
On our way to Martha's Vineyard. Can't wait -- taking the "Fast Ferry"!
Bad idea. Clue: the only thing on sale at the ticket counter was Dramamine.
On the Gianicolo in Rome
Carole and I celebrate the heroes who unified Italy and made it what it is today -- a boot shape with lots of pasta.
Don't mess with Jo!
French gelato. Is this what they eat or just what they serve Americans?
Cactus; Balsamic Vinegar; Avocado; Tomato Basil...
Static in the air
Wish some of Leah's hair would fly over to my head!
By night ...
Howard Stern impersonator
I was just trying on Leah's Halloween witch wig...
Danish roots?
The main pedestrian street in Copenhagen
That second book on Spider-Man's shelf sure looks familiar...
Some of my students spotted my book in "Spider-Man 2" and Sam Arbesman wrote about it in Wired
Mathematical model
Emma J Black catches up on her reading in an inspired photo by H Matthew Howarth
First snow in Rome for 25 years:
What do we do with this stuff?
Streetsweepers massage it into submission
Diverse interests
Tweeted by Christina Dy:
christinady christina dy 16 Dec
two things i love: pole dancing & math. here, reading @stevenstrogatz 's The Joy of X while dancing haha.
Jo - 10 y.o. - illustration for NYT news story, Peacock on the Loose
Piazza Navona
A Boy and His Dog
Steven (left) and
Murray (right)
Murray and human
Leah's hypnotizing artwork
Carnevale in Rome,
Piazza del Popolo
No one in the piazza even noticed the face switch on the Vitruvian Man
The Papal Apartments at
Castel Sant' Angelo, Rome
I am taller than a Pope!
Taking on the grandmaster
My 5-year old said "Concentrate, Daddy!", and it worked! Here's how it happened ...
On the "Wobbly Bridge"
Jo and I test out the Millennium Bridge in London. Seems OK!
Galileo's house
He lived right here! And I get to stand in front of it making traffic signals.
On our way to warm up at The Trout, a cozy pub near Oxford, on a typically raw day. This part of the path was flooded, so my friend Nick suggested we save our boots and brave the waters barefoot. Brrr!
Leah's Transformation
Add water, stir, wait 13 years
Bohr's boards
Lecturing in Auditorium A of The Niels Bohr Institute -- he designed these sliding boards himself! He should have invented a multi-sponge car-wash-style cleaner, too.
Leah breaks 1000 pogos!
Pick out the non-Strogatz
On the Appian Way at Hostaria Antica Roma, our favorite restaurant in Rome
2 days old
First bath
Einstein's boyhood proof of the Pythagorean theorem foreshadows the scientist he later became.
- The New Yorker
November 19, 2015