Y. Zhang and S.H. Strogatz. Nature Communications 12, 3273 (2021).
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Dynamics of a Large Array of Globally Coupled Lasers With Distributed Frequencies→
/R.A. Oliva and S.H. Strogatz. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2359-2374 (2001).
Read MoreNonlinear Dynamics: Ordering Chaos With Disorder→
/S.H. Strogatz. Nature (invited News and Views article) 378, 444 (1995).
Read MoreConstants of Motion for Superconducting Josephson Arrays (PDF)→
/S. Watanabe and S.H. Strogatz. Physica D 74, 197-253 (1994).
Read MoreRobustness and Signal Recovery in a Synchronized Chaotic System→
/K.M. Cuomo, A.V. Oppenheim, and S.H. Strogatz. International Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos 3, 1629-1638 (1993).
Read MoreSynchronization of Lorenz-Based Chaotic Circuits With Applications to Communications (PDF)→
/K.M. Cuomo, A.V. Oppenheim, and S.H. Strogatz. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II.40, 626-633 (1993).
Read MoreChaotic Streamlines Inside Drops Immersed in Steady Stokes Flows→
/H.A. Stone, A. Nadim, and S.H. Strogatz. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 232, 629-646 (1991).
Read MoreDynamics of a Large System of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators (PDF)→
/P.C. Matthews, R.E. Mirollo, and S.H. Strogatz. Physica D 52, 293-331 (1991).
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/P.C. Matthews and S.H. Strogatz. College Mathematics Journal 22, 45-47 (1991).
Read MorePhase Diagram for the Collective Behavior of Limit-Cycle Oscillators (PDF)→
/P.C. Matthews and S.H. Strogatz. Physical Review Letters 65, 1701-1704 (1990).
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Einstein's boyhood proof of the Pythagorean theorem foreshadows the scientist he later became.
- The New Yorker
November 19, 2015